All posts tagged "Garath Keating"
9 years ago
Hundreds attend Job Fair to fill vacancies across Borough
Hundreds of keen job seekers showed up to the Job Fair in Banbridge Leisure Centre on Thursday to find out more...
9 years ago
‘Chain of Command’: First official pics of borough’s new Lord Mayor and Deputy
The first official photographs have been released of the new Lord Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and...
9 years ago
Exclusive interview: Armagh councillor Garath Keating on becoming new Lord Mayor
Armagh Councillor Garath Keating has been elected as the new Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council. The...
/ 9 years ago€6 million of Peace IV funding for projects in Armagh, Banbridge & Craigavon
Over €6 million of European funding has been allocated for projects across the Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council area....
/ 9 years agoHundreds attend Ballymacnab Easter Rising commemoration
Despite threatening rain, hundreds of Republicans from the greater Ballymacnab area gathered on Easter Sunday afternoon to honour Ireland’s patriot dead...
/ 9 years agoClaims £2m lottery windfall not being evenly allocated to projects across entire city centre
Serious concerns have been raised over the prioritisation of some streets at the expense of others as part of a £1.98 million...
/ 9 years agoEuropean funding bid for £5.2 million to help local start-up businesses
New start-up businesses in Armagh could win a share of over £5 million if a bid for European funding is successful....
/ 9 years agoMotion to urge council to fund ‘urgent’ wall and path repairs in Armagh
Calls are being made for urgent action to deal with dangerous footpaths and a retaining wall in Armagh which has led...
/ 9 years agoMeeting dispels ‘myth’ that local autism service about to be reduced
Reassurances have been given that a review of autism services across the Southern Trust area will lead to money being targeted where...
/ 9 years agoPilot scheme to see shops network trained to assist those living with autism
Plans are underway for a new pilot project in Armagh to help promote a better understanding of autism. The aim is...
/ 9 years agoUltimate goal to progress greenway to Armagh and all the way to Portadown!
A bid for European funding is to be made to progress plans for the cross-border ‘greenway’ project. Securing money to link...
/ 10 years agoCouncil staff praised for Ballymacnab bus shelter replacement
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council officials have been praised for their prompt replacement of a bus shelter at Ballymacnab....