All posts tagged "Education Authority"
4 years ago
St John the Baptist College could offer Key Stage 4 from September with 200 more pupil places
A formal proposal has now been made to allow St John the Baptist College in Portadown to offer Key Stage 4...
5 years ago
Time is now for Education Authority to vacate Craigavon primary school
Calls are being made for the Education Authority to vacate a Craigavon primary school building. The Authority currently uses one of...
5 years ago
Fate of rural Co Armagh primary school sealed as education bosses rubberstamp closure
The fate of a rural County Armagh primary school has been sealed. The Education Authority has now formally approved a development...
5 years ago
State-of-the-art £500,000 Armagh BMX facility back on track to be up and running
A state-of-the-art BMX track in Armagh which has failed to open well over a year after work was completed could be...
5 years ago
New £500,000 Armagh BMX track never used because Education Authority cannot get staff
A state-of-the-art BMX track in Armagh has not opened well over a year after work was completed because of a failure...
5 years ago
First helping hand payments made to businesses and families facing financial uncertainty
Families and businesses are beginning to receive financial aid promised to them to help them through the uncertainty created by the...
5 years ago
Church schools network ‘governed by Holy Bible’ seeks public funding to create new grammar
A global network of church schools is hoping that approval will be given – and public funding provided – for a...
5 years ago
Big changes proposed at Co Armagh school with 200 extra pupil places and inclusion of Key Stage 4
A Co Armagh college – where pupils currently must leave at the age of 14 – could shortly be allowed to...
6 years ago
Consultation plans as three Armagh primary schools listed in latest report on pupil numbers
School closures and mergers across the ABC borough could materialise over the next two years following the publication of the latest...
6 years ago
Seven Dickson Plan schools ‘moving forward’ with new Memorandum of Understanding
Seven schools under the Dickson Plan are looking at ways of closer working to improve educational outcomes for pupils. Armagh is...
6 years ago
Seven Dickson Plan schools ‘moving forward’ with new Memorandum of Understanding
Seven schools under the Dickson Plan are looking at ways of closer working to improve educational outcomes for pupils. Armagh is...
7 years ago
State-of-the-art floodlight BMX facility in Armagh up for approval despite objections
Planning officials are recommending that a new state-of-the-art floodlit BMX bike facility in Armagh should be built in the city despite...