Calls are being made for the Education Authority to vacate a Craigavon primary school building.
The Authority currently uses one of the buildings at Tullygally Primary, but with social distancing needs, local representatives have called for the school to have full use of their premises restored.
SDLP Councillor Thomas Larkham commented: “As school principals grapple with providing as near normal a return to school as possible within the parameters of social distancing it makes sense that they will need to look carefully at how every inch of space is used.
“That’s why my colleague Dolores Kelly MLA has again written to the Education Authority to ask if they will return the use of one of the school buildings from them back for the use of Tullygally PS’s pupils and teachers.
“This space is much needed by the school and children.”
Mrs Kelly added: “As many people’s work routines are changing to allow for greater integration of home working and the fact that the space is needed by the school I can think of no good reason for the EA to continue to occupy this space. I hope common sense will prevail.”