2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Declan Nugent (Lurgan)
Nugent, Declan. (Lurgan). The family of the late Declan Nugent wish to acknowledge with deep appreciation those who sympathised with them...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Tom French (Lurgan)
French, Tom, (Lurgan). The wife Sons and Daughters of the late Tom French R.I.P. Wish to thank most sincerely all those...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Isabel Watson (Dungannon)
Watson, Isabel (Dungannon). The family of the late Isabel Watson wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Mervyn Murphy (Banbridge)
Murphy, Mervyn. The wife, son and family circle of the late Mervyn Murphy wish to thank all those kind relatives, friends...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Patrick McCartan (Laurencetown)
McCartan, Patrick (Paddy) R.I.P. (Laurencetown). Paddy’s wife Bernie, son Damian, daughter Orla and entire family circle wish to express their sincere...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Mary Dynes (Dungannon)
Dynes, Mary R.I.P. (Dungannon). We, the family of Mary Dynes would like to express our gratitude to all who sympathised with...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Irene O’Neill (Dungannon)
O’Neill, Irene. (Dungannon) We the family of the late Irene O’Neill, wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late John Sheppard (Lurgan)
Sheppard, John, (Lurgan). The wife, son and daughter of the late John Sheppard R.I.P. Wish to thank most sincerely all those...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Noel Farry (Armagh)
Farry, Noel (Armagh). We the family of the late Noel Farry R.I.P, would like to express our heartfelt thanks to everyone...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Valerie Hall (Dungannon)
Hall, Valerie, (Dungannon). The family of the late Valerie Hall wish to express their sincere thanks to everyone who sympathised with...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Charlie McDermott (Banbridge)
McDermott, Charlie (Banbridge). The wife and family of the late Charlie McDermott wish to thank all those who sympathised with them...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Esther McClure (Newry)
McClure, Esther, (Newry). The daughters and family of the late Esther McClure wish to thank all those who sympathised with them...