Henry’s wife, daughter, son, grandchildren and extended family would like to thank all those who sympathised with them during their recent sad bereavement.
We appreciate the kindness and support of family, friends and neighbours who called at the home, sent messages of sympathy, helped in anyway during the wake and those who attended the funeral.
We would also like to thank the Doctors and staff of Markethill Health Centre and the Acute Medical Ward at Craigavon Hospital for the care given during Henry’s time there and the support that was given to us.
Special thanks also to Rev Peter Munce for visiting Henry during his time in hospital and for the lovely Funeral Service. We would also like to express our thanks to Celia Munce the pianist and Carrie Alexander who sang at the funeral service, to the gravedigger, Graham Parks Catering for the lovely food supplied and to Marlacoo Lodge for the use of chairs and kitchen equipment to facilitate the wake.
Thank you also to all those who donated in lieu of flowers to the Southern Area Hospice.
Lastly a special thanks goes to Roy Warnock Funeral Director for the dignified and professional manner they carried out Henry’s Funeral arrangements.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our appreciation and gratitude.
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