Donaghy, Eugene.
We, the family of the late Eugene Donaghy (RIP), his wife, daughters, sons and the extended Donaghy and Quinn families wish to express our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all our kind relatives, friends, neighbours and work colleagues who supported us during our recent loss of our much-loved Husband, Father, Granda and Great Granda. We would like to thank all those who attended Eugene’s wake, funeral, sent mass cards, sympathy cards, letters and social media condolences, wreathes and floral tributes.
A special word of thanks to all the staff on 1North and AMU at CAH. Who looked after Eugene with great care, dignity and respect during his time in hospital. Also, all the staff at Doctor Campbell’s Surgery Dungannon for their kindness and care to Eugene over these past few years.
A special thanks to Seamie Corr and staff of Bert’s Pizza for providing food to the family during the wake, St. Vincent De Paul and also Kelly Anne Corr and staff for the food and service they provided after Eugene’s funeral.
Our sincere gratitude to Canon Fee for his spiritual support and guidance and for celebrating Eugene’s beautiful mass. Thanks also to the church Sacristan, Margaret Anne for the beautiful singing at the mass and Gary Harte for preparing Eugene’s final resting place.
We would especially like to thank Plunkett Teague (Teague Funeral Services) for the professional and dignified manner in which he conducted Eugene’s funeral arrangements.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as our sincere appreciation to all.
Eugene’s months mind mass will be held on Monday August 21 at 7.30pm in St. Mary and St. Joseph’s Chapel Coalisland.
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