2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Isobel Duke (Banbridge)
Duke, Isobel, (Banbridge). The daughter Jacqueline, Sons David and Jonathon and all the family circle of the late Isobel Mary (Marie)...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Deirdre Ward (Armagh and Nevada)
Ward (née Guy). Deirdre. April 15, 2023 (peacefully) at the Renown Hospital, Reno, Nevada after a short illness, wife to Sean,...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late John Breen (Lurgan)
Breen, John. (Lurgan). The family of the late John Breen of 152 Derrytrasna Road, Lurgan, would like to express our sincere...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Martin Hughes (Armagh)
Hughes, Martin. (Armagh) We the family of the late Martin Hughes (RIP) along with his partner Geraldine, would like to express...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Ellen Harrison (Portadown)
Harrison, Ellen. (Portadown). The family of the late Ellen Harrison would like to thank all those who sympathised with them by...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Damien Donnelly (Lurgan)
Donnelly, Damien (Dee). (Lurgan) Teresa and family circle of the late Damien Donnelly R.I.P, wish to thank all the kind relatives,...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Sean Brannigan (Armagh)
Brannigan, Sean. (Armagh) Sean’s wife, son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter wish to express their gratitude to all those who sympathised with them...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Robert Scott (Tynan)
Scott, Robert (Tynan). The family circle of the late Robert Winston Clarke Scott wish to thank most sincerely all those who...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Edward Herron (Moy)
Herron, Edward. (Moy). The family of the late Edward Thomas Herron (Eddie), 3 Oakfield Close, Moy wish to thank most sincerely...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Mary Brady (Armagh)
Brady, Mary. (Armagh) The family of the late Mary Brady wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all those...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Jennifer McGeown (Lurgan)
McGeown, Jennifer, (née Haughey), (Lurgan) The daughters of the late Jennifer would like to express our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to...
2 years ago
Acknowledgement for the late Donna Fairbairn (Craigavon)
Fairbairn, Donna. Craigavon. Donna’s mother Mary and her uncle Arthur would like to thank all those kind friends, family and neighbours...