McNally, Desmond.
Desy’s wife Margaret, daughter Nadine and son Ryan wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all who comforted, supported and sympathised with them on their very sudden and sad bereavement including those who travelled long distances and to those who kindly donated to The British Heart Foundation in Desy’s memory.
Thank you to the staff at The Lakes Family Practice and Northern Pharmacies (Brownlow), Craigavon Area Hospital and St. Thomas’ Hospital (London) who all cared for Desy.
A special word of thanks to Father Colum Murphy for the beautiful and dignified funeral ceremony celebrating Desy’s life and to the sacristan and Eucharistic Minister.
Sincerest thanks to St. Mary’s Football Club (Portadown) who so reverently provided a guard of honour.
Our thanks to those who contributed and enriched Desy’s funeral service including the organist, those who sang, carried the gifts and read – we are very grateful and proud of the beautiful Requiem Mass for Desy.
Sincere thanks to Quinn Brothers for the professional manner in which they carried out Desy’s funeral arrangements, and to the staff at the parish centre for providing the post funeral refreshments.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere gratitude for all the love and support during this difficult time.
“Grief is the price we pay for love.”
Desy’s months mind Mass will be celebrated in St. John the Baptist Church Drumcree, Portadown on Saturday September 16, at 7pm.
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