All posts tagged "Craigavon Civic Centre"
6 years ago
Demonstration against ‘privatisation threat’ of new South Lakes Leisure Centre
Members of three trade unions will be holding a demonstration outside the Council HQ in protest at the “possible privatisation threat”...
6 years ago
Council set to host ‘Transforming Towns Together’ conference
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council is hosting a conference in a bid to mobilise and accelerate efforts aimed at...
7 years ago
Public information evening to raise awareness of mental health and suicide
A public information evening will be held later this month to help raise awareness of mental health and suicide throughout the...
7 years ago
Former Lord Mayor defends ‘exemplary’ West Armagh Consortium as DUP motion passes
A former Lord Mayor has jumped to the defence of the West Armagh Consortium after a DUP motion condemning the organisers...
7 years ago
Deputy Lord Mayor to host LGBTQ+ community event at Civic Centre
Deputy Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Councillor Paul Duffy is holding an event on July 31 in Craigavon...
7 years ago
In Pictures: Lord Mayor hosts Royal Wedding tea party at Craigavon Civic Centre
The Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle will take place in London on Saturday afternoon. The wedding...
7 years ago
In Pictures: Community champions lauded and applauded at council awards
There were congratulations and celebrations all round at this year’s Community Awards when Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council rolled...
7 years ago
Lord Mayor to host tea party to celebrate Royal Wedding!
UPDATE: All tickets have now gone and no more will be made available! Enjoy the build up to the wedding of...
7 years ago
Sports stars and politicians support William McFadzean VC Sportsman’s Dinner
The William McFadzean VC Sportsman’s Dinner has been held at Craigavon Civic Centre, hosted by Lord Mayor Gareth Wilson and sponsored...
7 years ago
New Line Ministries to travel length and breadth of Ireland in purpose-built bus
New Line Ministries from Waringstown are preparing travel the length and breadth of Ireland in their purpose built bus bringing the...
8 years ago
Nominees shortlisted for ABC Junior Sports Awards 2017
Nominees have been shortlisted for the Armagh Banbridge and Craigavon Sports Forum Junior Sports Awards which will take place on Friday,...
8 years ago
In Pictures: More than 100 special motors take over Cars and Coffee event
A special evening at Craigavon Civic Centre saw more than 100 vintage and classic cars turn up for the Lord Mayor’s...