It’s the Summer Camp that the Irish speaking children of County Armagh and their families look forward to every year and details of Campa Mhacha 2023 have just been released by the team at Aonach Mhacha, the City’s spectacular home for the Irish language and cultural arts in The Shambles.
100 places have been made available in this year’s Campa Mhacha that will run from Monday July 29 to Friday August 4.
Now in its 17th year, the primary aim of Campa Mhacha is to encourage local children to use their command of spoken Irish outside the school environment.
Due to the growth in numbers applying to participate, Campa Mhacha was divided into two different sub-camps and children are allocated their places within Camp based upon their age group. Children attending Rang 1 to Rang 3 are allocated to Campa 1, while pupils from Rang 4 to Rang 7 attend Campa 2.
Priority, as always, is given to children attending Ranganna 1-7 in Irish medium schools in Co Armagh, with any remaining places going to young children with a solid grounding in the Irish language from their home environment and to children attending Gaelscoileanna in neighbouring counties.

The camp is well attended year on year, early booking is strongly advised.
Parents and guardians with children in IME should note that word had barely got out last year that Campa Mhacha was going ahead at the end of July, before all 100 places at the highly sought after camp were completely booked out! So early booking is advised via the website here.
Camp organisers will set up a ‘reserve list’ for applicants who miss out on the 100 available places. In the event of cancellations, places will be offered on a first come, first served basis to those on the reserve list.
While the main focal point for the 2023 Camp will be Cultúrlann Aonach Mhacha, Campa Mhacha will also offer opportunities for the children to participate in activities as diverse as drama and music workshops, a fun-packed day at the Giant’s Lair on Sliabh gCuilin, a day trip to Dyan Mill Petting Farm, scientific discovery at Pláinéadlann Ard Mhacha and training at a Celtic Warrior School at Eamhain Mhacha.
As if that wasn’t enough, the children also have the opportunity to enjoy instruction in hurling and camogie with qualified GAA coaches, Celtic arts and crafts workshops, treasure hunts and a host of other activities. All workshops, trips and interaction with the children are delivered through the medium of Irish.
On the final day of Camp, the children will work closely with our professionally qualified teachers and musicians to prepare a concert performance for families and guests that will round off Campa Mhacha 2023.
Team Campa Mhacha is staffed by a highly dedicated and motivated team of teachers, youth workers and a community development team with many years of experience in delivering recreational projects for young people. All camp staff are fully qualified and trained to professional standards and all are vetted in accordance with legislation.
Campa Mhacha is grateful for financial assistance and sponsorship from the Education Authority, Aonach Mhacha, SEACHT, Caifé Mhacha, CFNI and from Foras na Gaeilge.
For further information, please contact Ciarán at failte@aonachmhacha.com or telephone 028 37998111.