LORD Mayor Councillor Sharon Haughey-Grimley launch the Loughgall Country Park Off Road Duathlon along with partners Tuna Triathlon Club, Cycleology and Give it a Go!

Lord Mayor of Armagh City and District Councillor Sharon Haughey-Grimley launches the Off Road Duathlon at Loughgall Country Park pictured with Una Cushnahan (Public Health Agency), Alistair Robinson (Cycleology), Matt Armstrong and Niall Shermum (Tuna Triathlon Club) and Brian Tedford & Greg Ferson (Loughgall Country Park).
The event will take place on Sunday, March 24 at 12.30pm in Loughgall Country Park.
Lord Mayor Councillor Sharon Haughey said: “I am delighted to launch the first ever Duathlon at Loughgall Country Park which is an ideal setting and I encourage local cycling, running clubs and members of the public who wish to venture in multi sports to come along and Give it a Go!”.
Sponsor Alistair Robinson from Cycleology added, “We are delighted to be associated with the event at Loughgall Country Park which will hopefully lead to more outdoor events being held in the Country Park”.
Commencing at 12.30pm, participants can register on the day from 11am-12noon. Fees are single £15, Relay Team £20. Distances are 4K Run + 12K bike and 2K Run. This event is ideal for those dipping their toes into multi sports.
For further information visit www.elitetiming.co.uk and click on the link Loughgall Duathlon.