Work on the upgrading of properties in Portadown in due to commence later this month.
The Housing Executive have confirmed that work to improve housing in Ulsterville Grove, Portadown, are due to start within the next fortnight.
This is a £146,000 investment by the Housing Executive in this area. The scheme will upgrade the current external ramped and stepped accesses, guard rails, balustrading and walkways of the two three-storey blocks of flats and maisonettes at 11–42 Ulsterville Grove.
Upper Bann MP, Carla Lockhart, said: “Securing this work has taken a lot of persistence and a huge amount of engagement with the Housing Executive and the local community. I am delighted that I have now received confirmation that the work is to commence in early/mid-September.
“This will be transformational to the area and be a great help to residents.
“I want to pay tribute to the Housing Executive for engaging on this scheme and for responding to the needs of the area so ably promoted by the Killicomaine Residents Group. They are excellent champions for the area, and have helped secure this positive outcome for the community.
“I very much look forward to the completion of these works, and the benefit it will bring to the people of Ulsterville Grove.”