Armagh I’s ‘People of the Year Awards’ launched at the beginning of January, to recognise individuals working within the community whose individual efforts help improve the lives of those around them.
With nominations now open for our five award categories, our third category: ‘Carer of the Year’ – sponsored by CPS Property, Armagh, – has never been more poignant than now.

CPS Property Sales sponsors the ‘Carer of the Year’ award
With the Covid-19 pandemic we have been out clapping for our NHS heroes and showing support with rainbows in windows.
Now, with the Armagh I ‘People of the Year Awards’, you have the opportunity to nominate that special person for an award.
However the criteria is not limited to NHS workers, but is open to any person in a paid or non-paid role.
When nominating you need to show:
(a) the nominee’s commitment and perseverance in helping provide much needed care
(b) what positive effect have they made to the lives of those in their care
(c) describe what makes their care special and how their dedication makes them stand out
To nominate an individual simply download the nomination form and guidance on how to nominate and return via email to marketing@ or post to: Armagh I, Suite 5, Dean Swift Building, 50 Hamiltonsbawn Road, Armagh, BT60 1HW.
Whilst a traditional awards ceremony will be lost this year to Covid-19, each winner will receive a one of a kind custom designed award hand crafted by a local artist following public voting due to take place from February 8 until February 27 when each winner will be announced on Friday, March 12, 2021.
Nominations are now open and will close Friday, February 5, 2021 at 5pm.
Download the nomination form here. Guidance on nominating and details on each of the categories can be found here.