A mountain of rubbish and rubble has been dumped in a Co Armagh beauty spot during the so-called lockdown.
And the incident – which happened on Saturday afternoon in broad daylight – has prompted an angry response.
As the PSNI was stopping vehicles and warning people not to travel unless their journey was essential, the culprits still slipped through the net.
And with shame-faced audacity the picture shows the huge mound left on Forestry Service lands at the junction of the Aughnagurgan Road and Wolf Island Road, near Darkley.
SDLP Councillor Thomas O’Hanlon believes that the lorry which would have been required to transport the cargo may have travelled across the border to shed the illegal load.
He has hit out at those responsible and urged people to be vigilant at this time.
Said Councillor O’Hanlon: “The waste contains everything from builders’ rubble to household waste.
“It’s believed the vehicle involved may even have had false number plates, possibly from County Monaghan.
“Police, council and Forest Service have been notified.”
His message to the public was simple.
“People, please be vigilant of dumpers in our area and don’t be afraid to get in contact if you spot anything suspicious,” added Mr O’Hanlon.