Walkers and cyclists across the Borough will soon have the chance to meander down a picturesque pathway alongside the beautiful Bann River in Gilford, thanks to funding from SOAR (ABC).
Over £250,000 has been secured by Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council from the SOAR (ABC) Village Renewal Measure to develop and enhance the Gilford Riverside Trail.
The development of the trail is the second phase of works to improve the Council owned land.
Phase 1 was completed in 2014 at Stramore Park, adjacent to Gilford Community Centre on the opposite bank of the river, off Bridge Street.
Phase 2 will connect these lands to Woodlands Park by the creation of an 845 m (approx.) riverside walking and cycling trail.
The project will involve the creation of a short section of walkway over the remains of the old millrace and the construction of a new footbridge across the millrace linking the trail to Woodlands Park.
In addition, Council will undertake associated works to enhance the trail including landscaping, the installation of street furniture, lighting and the provision of interpretative material.
Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough, Alderman Gareth Wilson, comments: “This development will transform the area and showcase the beautiful surroundings in Gilford. I am delighted to see Phase 2 in progress and I look forward to seeing the trail up and running.”

Chairman of the SOAR LAG, Cllr Gordon Kennedy stated “This is a great opportunity for Gilford and exciting times as we move into Phase 2 of the Gilford Riverside Trail.
“This project will help to invigorate the village, contribute to the health and well-being of locals whilst encouraging visitors to enjoy the riverside trail.”
SOAR (ABC) supports the rural community in the Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council area by providing support through a number of programmes, namely Rural Basic Investment Scheme; Rural Basic Services Scheme, Village Renewal Scheme, Rural Broadband Scheme and Co-operation Projects.
For further information on SOAR please go to www.soarni.org