A foster carer who was caught speeding at 93mph on a Banbridge road has been handed a £250 fine.
The 58-year-old’s barrister told court this would put his client “under the spotlight with regards to Social Services”.
Louise Marsden, of Island Road Lower in Ballycarry, Co Antrim, pleaded guilty to excess speed at Banbridge Magistrates’ Court – sitting at Newry – on Thursday.
It was heard that on January 14, the defendant was detected travelling at 93mph on the Newry Road, Banbridge.
This was 23mph in excess of the speed limit on that road.
Police subsequently contacted the last registered owner of the vehicle, Marsden, requesting information on who had been driving the car but to no reply.
Defence barrister Bobbie Rea stated: “This was a guilty plea at the first opportunity. The crux of why she is not here today is that she is a foster carer of two children.
“She is their primary driver although it must be admitted that on this occasion it was a social drive, not an emergency.”
He added: “This will no doubt bring her under the spotlight with regards to Social Services but thankfully there were no other cars on the road or any other aspects of her driving that lacked.
“Whilst this is not an excuse it does take out some aggravating factors. If she were to lose her licence it would not just inconvenience her but also the two children.”
District Judge Eamonn King said: “The only other two matters for which she has appeared in court were for excess speed but they are of some vintage.”
Marsden was handed three penalty points and ordered to pay a fine of £250, along with the offender’s levy of £15, within four weeks.