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Incident at Killylea Road building site leaves one person in hospital

A patient has been rushed to hospital following an incident on the Killylea Road, Armagh after falling into a 6ft hole.

It is understood that the incident occurred at an active building site where works to construct a pylon were taking place shortly before 3pm today (Friday).

An eyewitness confirmed that several Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue appliances were also in attendance.

A spokesperson for the The Northern Ireland Ambulance Service said: “The Northern Ireland Ambulance Service received a 999 call at 14:47 on Friday February 28 following reports of an incident in the Killylea Road area, Armagh.

“NIAS despatched one Emergency Ambulance crew to the incident. The Charity Air Ambulance was also tasked to attend.

“Following initial assessment and treatment at scene, one patient was taken to Craigavon Area Hospital by ambulance.”

A spokesperson for NI Fire & Rescue said: “2 Appliances from Armagh Fire Station and 1 Appliance from Keady Fire Station attended the incident.

“Firefighters were called to reports of an individual who had fallen into a 6ft hole.

“NIFRS rescued the male with the assistance of NIAS. The incident was dealt with by 4:02pm and the casualty was left in the care of NIAS.”

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