/ 5 years agoArmagh landlord fears experience of city centre could ‘be lost forever’ as businesses fail to reopen
An Armagh landlord has warned that the “personal service” and experience of small business in the city could “be lost forever”...
/ 5 years agoDemolition of Little Barrack Street eyesore to make way for two-storey retail development
A new two-storey commercial outlet is to be built at Little Barrack Street in Armagh as part of ambitious plans for...
/ 5 years ago‘Nothing untoward’ as police sweep river in Armagh in bid to locate teenager
Police have confirmed there was “nothing untoward” found in an extensive river search for a missing teenager overnight. Emergency services were...
/ 5 years agoPolice appeal after 16-year-old boy enters River Callan in Armagh
A 16-year-old boy is understood to have got into difficulty having entered a river in Armagh late last night (Saturday). Emergency...
/ 5 years agoNew business to be served up at home of former 1868 restaurant in Armagh
A mouth-watering new business will be served up on the site of the former Manor Park and 1868 restaurants in Armagh...
/ 5 years agoCouncil looking at ways to recognise sterling efforts of its own frontline workers during pandemic
Consideration is being given as to how frontline ABC Council staff can be recognised for their sterling efforts in maintaining a...
/ 5 years agoLorry driver gets two year ban for driving at speed and on wrong side of Killylea Road
A Ducth lorry driver has been handed a two year ban and a suspended sentence for what a district judge has...
/ 5 years agoFamous five put drum in Drumbreda as Friday outdoor music sessions thrill lockdown audiences
An Armagh-based band has moved from clapping to foot-tapping as a weekly session to recognise the work of the NHS has...
/ 5 years agoFriends of Callan River get Lottery money to help furnish new hub to benefit schools and community
An Armagh-based group has received a cash award to help set up a hub on the River Callan for local schools...
/ 5 years agoControversial arrangement to employ private security firm at council sites ‘ended this week’
A controversial arrangement by ABC Council to employ a private security firm to help man facilities ended this week, it has...
/ 5 years agoWalkers sought for fundraising ‘Camino’ style trek to re-enact Cú Chulainn’s heroic journey home
The first of what will become an annual fundraising Camino-style trek from Mullaghbane to Navan Fort is due to take place...
/ 5 years agoArmagh haulier appears in court in connection with death of 39 Vietnamese citizens
An Armagh haulier has appeared in court charged in connection to the deaths 39 Vietnamese people who died in in the...