McConville, Sheila. (nee Conway)(Derrytransa)
Whose 1st anniversary will occur on February 1, 2024.
Sheila, beloved wife of the late Donal and an adored mother of Anthony, Gregory, Martina and Adrian, a dear mother in law to Paula, Aileen, Michael and Brenda and a special grandmother to Damian, Catherine, Mark, Desmond, Micheal, Oisin, Clodagh, Caragh and great granddaughters Grace and Nainsí.
“We lost a mother with a heart of gold,
How much we miss her can never be told.
She shared our troubles and helped us along,
If we follow her footsteps, we will never go wrong.
What she suffered she told but few,
She did not deserve what she went through.
Tired and weary she made no fuss,
But tried so hard to stay with us.
We prayed for a miracle all in vain,
That God would make you well again.
But God knew best, we had to part,
It eased your pain but broke our hearts.
We cannot bring the old days back,
When we were all together.
The family chain is broken now,
But memories live forever.
She was a mother so very rare,
Content in her home and always there.
On earth she toiled, in Heaven she rests,
God bless you, Mother, you were one of the best.”
Sheila’s 1st year anniversary mass will be celebrated on Saturday February 3, at 6:00pm in St Mary’s Church, Derrytrasna.
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