Doran, Sarah Elizabeth. (RIP)
February 28, 1926 – December 25, 2023.
The family of the late Sarah Doran (RIP), wish to extend our profound thanks and gratitude to all those who offered sympathy and support to us during our very sad bereavement.
To all who attended and/or helped during the wake and the funeral, sent Mass/Sympathy Cards, brought or sent gifts of food and flowers, telephoned, posted, facetimed, texted, or emailed their condolences, we are very grateful for the assistance and comfort they
We thank our wonderful relatives, neighbours and friends who helped in so many ways and for their ongoing support now and throughout Mum’s/Granny’s life, all of which will be remembered forever.
Our deep gratitude is extended to the Doctors and Staff at Church Walk Surgery, Lurgan for their compassion and care of Mum/Granny as well as to the staff at the North Street branch of McKeagney’s Chemist.
We are also truly thankful to those who cared for Mum / Granny on a daily basis at home especially for the personal kindness and support you provided.
Our sincere and heartfelt thanks go to the Acute Care Team within the Southern Trust, their colleagues in Craigavon Area Hospital, and to the Marie Curie nursing staff all of whom attended Mum/Granny in the final weeks, days, and hours before her passing. We also appreciate and value the intervention from Hazel and Sinéad.
Our absolute thanks go to the priests of St Peter’s Parish and Deacon Kevin who brought the Eucharist to Mum/Granny over a number of years and who along with Father Jozef provided pastoral care and support throughout the wake and for celebrating Requiem Mass, making it so personal and meaningful to all and for their presence at St Colman’s Cemetery.
The funeral was greatly enhanced by the Mass Booklets prepared by Tony & Aileen at Patton Print, the music/singing provided by Mark M & Jonny, sacristan Noel for preparing the Church and those family members who participated in and/or attended the service whether physically, in spirit or via the parish webcam. We offer our warmest thanks to each and every one of you.
And we appreciate Mark R and the staff at St Peter’s Social Club for hosting the post-funeral reception, local businesses for supplying food & refreshments, as well as to the ladies who are close family relatives and friends, for assisting with the catering, all of which is and will continue to be remembered with total fondness.
Finally, to Jack and Margaret and everyone at McLearnon’s Funeral Directors together with Kieran at the graveside for managing the undertaking arrangements with such professionalism and dignity. Our family and other families who have sadly lost loved ones are truly blessed to have you to support and guide us during very difficult times.
It is not possible to thank every person individually but we hope this acknowledgement is accepted as a sincere token of our appreciation.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions. Mum’s/Granny’s Month Mind Mass will be held at 7pm on Friday January 26, in St Peter’s Church, Lurgan.
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