We, the family of the late Molly McConnell RIP, would like to express our most sincere thanks and gratitude to all our family, friends and neighbours who sympathised with us during our recent sad loss. Thank you to those who sent Mass and sympathy cards, visited the house, attended the funeral and helped in any way.
Thank you to Father McCann and Father O’Neill for the beautiful Requiem Mass and their support and prayers throughout. A special thanks to the staff at Dunlarg Care Home for their devoted care to Molly. To those who donated to Dunlarg Comfort Fund.
Special thanks to Bridget Mone and staff from Mone Funeral Directors for the caring, dignified and professional manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements. Also to Peter Donnelly and Niall McGrane for their assistance in making arrangements for the wake.
To Mary B Mone and staff at the Caledonian for the lovely food after the funeral.
We hope this acknowledgment will be accepted as an expression of our gratitude for the kindness and support shown to our family in our recent bereavement.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Molly’s Month’s Mind Mass will be held in St. Patrick’s Church, Keady at 11:30am on Sunday February 4, 2024.
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