The family of the late John Hamill wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who sympathised with them during their recent bereavement.
To all those who attended the wake and funeral, brought Mass cards, telephoned and sent messages of condolence.
Thanks to Friary Surgery, Craigavon Area Hospital and Greenpark Nursing Home for the care given to John during his illness.
A special word of thanks to Fr. Barry Matthews for the beautiful Requiem Mass.
Thanks to Eilis and Sara-Jane for the lovely music.
Thanks also to Funeral Director J.J. McArdle & Sons for the professional and gentle guidance during this difficult time.
It is not possible to thank everyone individually but we hope everyone accepts this acknowledgement as a sincere token of our appreciation.
John’s Month’s Mind Mass will be on Friday January 12, in St. Malachy’s Church at 7.30pm and St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Saturday January 13, at 10.00am.
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