We, the family of the late Eddie Donaghy, would like to thank all who sympathised with us during our recent sad bereavement.
Thank you to everyone who called at the house, sent Mass cards and sympathy cards, gave donations in lieu of flowers, attended the funeral, or helped in any way; their kindness and support was very much appreciated.
To all who cared for him in his failing health especially the staff at Archway Surgery, Armagh, and also Craigavon and Daisy Hill Hospitals; to the agency and private carers who assisted him; we thank you all.
Sincere thanks also to Fr Greg Carvill for his pastoral care and for the very personal Requiem Mass, and also to the organist/singer.
To Granemore GFC for the kind use of their equipment. To those businesses in Armagh and Keady who donated food and provided lighting – thank you.
Special thanks to Martin Kelly Funeral Director, for the professional and dignified manner in which he carried out the funeral arrangements.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation.
Eddie’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated at 6.30pm on Saturday January 13, in St. Patrick’s Church, Ballymacnab.
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