The family of the late Donal McConville R.I.P. wish to express their sincere gratitude to all our kind relatives, friends and neighbours who supported us during our recent sudden bereavement. To all who sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, and letters, we want to thank you for your kind words which will undoubtedly provide comfort in the months ahead.
A special word of thanks to Fr Brian Fitzpatrick who celebrated Donal’s Requiem Mass, we were greatly comforted by his words in Donal’s eulogy.
We also extend our appreciation to Ciaran Scullion and Niamh Murray for their beautiful music, and a special thank you to Donal’s nephew Kieran for playing his favourite tune on the violin at the graveside. Your contributions to making our Dad’s funeral a truly memorable one was greatly appreciated by all.
A special thanks to all his carers, the district nurses, all the staff at the Acute Care Department at Craigavon Area Hospital and everyone at Church Walk Surgery who looked after him so well.
Thank you also to McAlinden and Murtagh Funeral Directors for their support and professional handling of all the funeral arrangements.
As it’s impossible to thank everyone individually we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere gratitude.
The McConville family.
Donal’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday September 23, 2023, at 6.00 p.m. in St Mary’s Church, Derrytrasna.
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