Located in Dublin city centre, at EPIC you will uncover the story of our emigrants and how they shaped the world, you’ll realise that emigration is not about what people leave behind, but what they bring with them. At EPIC you’ll discover the far reaching influence of Irish history, and the impact the 10 million Irish men and women who left Ireland had on the world.
As you uncover the story of our emigrants and how they shaped the world, you’ll realise that emigration is not about what people leave behind, but what they bring with them.
The museum was founded on the belief that emigration is one of the most interesting ways to fully understand a country.
Being a fully interactive experience, the museum will guide you as you uncover the dramatic and inspiring stories of the Irish people who travelled the world, reliving some of their greatest achievements in music, literature, sport, politics, fashion and science.
An Sathairn 12ú Márta