Irish set dancing, in Irish referred to as ‘rincí seit’, is a popular form of folk dancing throughout Ireland. Set dances are based on quadrilles, which were originally court dances. These were transformed by the Irish into a unique and popular form of community dance enjoyed in villages and towns across the country.
In the 1980s a revival of sets céilí and set workshops brought many new fans and a lot of sets that had not been done for forty years or more have been recovered and are being danced once again, and not just in Ireland, but in every country across the world where emigrants have made their home!
Set dance differs from square dance and round dance in that it does not require a caller: the sequence of figures is predefined by the name of the set. In places with a large community of set dancers, like Ireland or New York City, it is usual for dances to be uncalled – that is, done with no calling – because most dancers already know the instructions for the common sets. However, at venues with larger numbers of occasional dancers, a caller is often present to give instructions as the dance progresses, for those people who are not yet familiar with the set.
Come along and join the fun. No previous experience required!
For more information – eolas@cairdeteo.com
An Deardaoin 17ú Márta
3pm – 5pm
Aonach Mhacha, Armagh