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Man had to be handcuffed for behaviour on night out for friend leaving to go to Australia

He shouted obscenities at police and refused to be taken home

Armagh Courthouse

A Tandragee man who refused to be taken home by police after acting aggressively to their presence has been fined £400.

In sentencing the 22-year-old, the district judge told him: “Don’t let this happen again.”

Michael Gill, of Blacks Lane, pleaded guilty to disorderly behaviour and resisting police at Armagh Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday.

Prosecution outlined that on September 21, at 2.15am, police were called to a report of a disturbance outside Pizza Nova on Market Street in Tandragee.

Officers arrived to observe the defendant lashing out at two other males.

Upon approaching Gill he became aggressive, it was noted that he appeared unsteady on his feet, his speech was slurred and his eyes glazed.

The defendant began shouting obscenities at the police and such was his aggression that handcuffs had to be applied.

Gill was arrested but resisted police as they tried to take him home.

Defence solicitor Oisin Toner stated: “This is a fair reflection of what was an unsavoury incident.

“It had been a friend’s leaving party, they had been going to Australia, he says he had drunk much more that he normally would.”

He continued: “He was with two friends who were engaged in horseplay. This brought them to the attention of police and Mr Gill reacted to this.

“He accepts responsibility and apologises for his behaviour. This is somewhat out of character. I ask that his early plea is taken into account and he has not been in any further trouble since.”

District Judge Paul Copeland stated: “This was disgraceful conduct made worse by the fact that you went to the trouble, after police were making efforts to take you home, of continuing to behave aggressively.

“I take into account your early plea and lack of previous but don’t let this happen again.”

Gill was ordered to pay a fine of £400, along with the offender’s levy of £15, within 10 weeks.

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