Golf courses in south Armagh “must be showcased” ahead of the Open Championship next summer.
SDLP’s Pete Byrne has called for popular courses in Cullyhanna and Mullaghbawn to be put in the shop window at an International Golf Familiarisation Trip.
Newry, Mourne and Down Council are to welcome tour operators and journalists to the area from abroad.
The Council are hoping to tap into the tourism potential of next year’s Open Championship in Portrush.
And as a councillor for south Armagh, Mr Byrne said he is “keen to ensure that golfing destinations in my area get the most out of this opportunity”.
He aded: “It is important that Ashfield in Cullyhanna and Cloverhill in Mullaghbane are showcased along with other popular golf courses in our district.
“Golf Tourism offers real opportunities for the local hospitality industry especially for our hotels and B&B’s.
“Tourism NI has recognised the potential of Golf Tourism, so much so it has a vision of creating a £1 billion industry through its Golf Tourism Strategy by 2020.
“190,000 people are set to visit the province during next years Open Championship and it is right that the Council invests in showcasing this district.
“As always, I’m keen to see every part of our district benefiting and I have asked for the local hospitality industry particularly our golf courses to be informed of the potential opportunities that next years Championship will bring.”