There has been an angry backlash after a group of youngsters gathered to play football on Sunday evening.
The government has strongly advised against mass gatherings in the UK amid the coronavirus outbreak – but more recently urged caution regarding social distancing.
The official advice is that we should all be taking measures to reduce social interaction between people in order to reduce the transmission of coronavirus Covid-19.
However, like many pockets of incidents across a mild and sunny weekend, that advice was flaunted and in this case, completely disregarded.
Posting on social media, Richhill AFC, who use the Council-run facility for their matches, hit out at those who had gained “unauthorised entry” to the facility on Sunday night.
“Totally irresponsible behaviour at Richhill Recreation Centre this evening as a group of up to 10 young people (of driving age with cars parked on New Line) ignore all current Government advice and gain unauthorised entry to ABC Council facilities that are currently in lock down,” they posted.
“Richhill AFC want to stress that these young people are not connected with our Club and this type of behaviour needs to stop.”
Elsewhere, there were calls to close Gosford Forest Park, as well as Loughgall Country Park, following a swathe of visitors.
One health worker, who witnessed the queues at Gosford, contacted Armagh I and has pleaded with authorities to shut this and other similar venues.
She said: “I’m not sure what can be done really but Gosford Forest Park should actually have its gates shut.
“People don’t seem to be listen when it comes to social distances. It’s a disgrace.”