A new public wastewater treatment works is going to be built close to The Birches Primary School, Clonmakate Road, Portadown, in lieu of the existing facility – Robinsonstown wastewater treatment works – operated by NI Water.
The planning application was lodged by McAdam Design, Belfast, on behalf of NI Water.
The works will include the provision of an inlet screen, various types of tanks, storage for sludge, a motor control centre kiosk to house the wash water booster, and a new 2.4-metre perimeter fence and gates.
Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council planners note in their report: “There are no noise and/or odour concerns with this project, and it can be concluded there will be no demonstrable harm to human health and no serious environmental risk to air, given the separation distance to the nearest dwelling of 100m, and the fact that it is located upwind of the site.
“Water Management Unit has considered the impacts of the proposed development on the water environment, and on the basis of the information provided is content with the proposal.
“The proposal will not have an adverse impact on the environment. It is designed to be compatible with the character of the surrounding area and adjacent land uses.
“The site is currently a wastewater treatment works, there are no concerns about the character of this proposal in this location.
“The traffic, access and parking arrangements for the proposal are acceptable to the council and will not present a nuisance to neighbouring residents by virtue of amenity, noise, dirt and dust.
“The reuse of the existing works also demonstrates a clear application of ‘Best Practice Environmental Option’ for the provision of these services at this location.”