A hooded man is suspected of trying to break into a car in Keady with two people already inside.
Police in Armagh are appealing for information following what they describe as a “suspicious incident”.
The incident happened at approximately 9.50pm on Monday in the Kinelowen Street area of Keady.
A PSNI spokesperson said: “A male exited a vehicle, believed to be a red people carrier, registration unknown.
“This male then tried the handle of a parked car, which had two occupants.
“The male then got back into the aforementioned vehicle and left.”
The man was wearing a silver coat, with his hood up. There are no further descriptive details available.
If you have any information regarding this incident please contact police on 101 quoting reference number 1429 of 14/01/19.
The incident follows on – although not linked – from two separate burglaries in the area in the early hours of Sunday morning.
Burglars struck at the Caledonian, in The Square, and at the nearby Stop and Shop at Kinelowen Street.
The culprits made off with a sum of money, in both sterling and euro, believed to be in the high hundreds of pounds.
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