The picture shows fresh dumping at Carrigatuke Viewpoint.
Once again somebody has had a household clearance.
And rather than do the proper thing and dispose of it by taking it to the dump or the recycling centre they have taken the easy – and selfish – option.
This is the latest in a long line of incidents at this scenic beauty spot in south Armagh.
It happened at the exact same spot where household waste was dumped just over two months ago.
All manner of waste including cardboard packaging and paint tins have been thrown down the embankment for someone else to clean up.
And again it will be the ratepayers who will foot the bill.
Once again, if anyone knows who is responsible for this or other incidents of illegal fly-tipping please contact the environmental health department at the local council and pass this information along. It is only be catching the culprits and having action taken that this type of behaviour will be reduced.