Works on a social housing scheme aimed at people with complex needs is expected to begin before the end of the current financial year.
The development – at Drumellan Gardens in Craigavon – will consist of five bungalows.
Work has been anticipated for some time now.
And to that end Sinn Fein MLA John O’Dowd sought an update from Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey on the current state of play.
In a response to Mr O’Dowd’s written question, the Minister said construction on the five complex needs social homes is “programmed to start as part of the 2020/21 Social Housing Development Programme”.
But there have been delays in relation to land issues.
Minister Hargey explained: “This land is currently under the ownership of the Housing Executive and before the site can be transferred to Choice Housing, an updated valuation has been requested from Land and Property Services and extinguishments are required to be processed.
“Choice Housing is currently working through the procurement process for the construction works, and will be submitting an application for project approval to the Housing Executive once the updated valuation has been provided.