Half a million pounds will be spent on two major schemes in Portadown and Craigavon next month.
A £137,000 carriageway resurfacing scheme on Jervis Street, Portadown is due to commence on Monday, August 16.
This improvement scheme, which extends a distance of approximately 480 metres along Jervis Street, Portadown from the junction of Church Street to West Street, includes resurfacing of the carriageway and upgrading of road drainage.
Due to the nature of the scheme it will be necessary to operate a daily road closure between the hours of 9.30am and 4.30pm from Monday, August 16 to Friday, August 27.
During these times a diversion will be in place. North bound traffic will be diverted via Church Street, Mandeville Street and West Street. South bound traffic will be diverted via West Street, Northway, Brownstown Road off slip, Brownstown Road, Armagh Road and Church Street.
The road will be open to traffic in the evenings and weekends. Local access for residents and emergency services will be maintained at all times during the works however some delays may be experienced.
Completion of the work by August 27 is dependent on favourable weather conditions.
Meanwhile, a £360,000 street lighting scheme will commence on the A3 Lake Road, Craigavon, on Monday, August 9.
The scheme will see the installation of new street lighting columns and replacement underground cables with new LED lights. The scheme will extend from Roundabout 1 up to and including Roundabout 3.
The Department has carefully programmed the work operations and traffic management in order to minimise inconvenience to the public. All work involving lane closures will be carried out during off peak times Monday to Friday between 09:30am and 4.00pm. Road users should be aware that some delays may be expected and that additional time should be allowed when planning any journeys.
In order to help ensure the safety of road users and road workers the public is asked to comply with all temporary traffic restrictions and to take extra care when travelling in the vicinity of the works.
Subject to weather conditions, the scheme is expected to be completed by the end of September 2021.
Infrastructure Minister Mallon said: “This significant investment will benefit everyone who travels and works in the area. I am committed to addressing the issues which matter most to people and street lighting services are crucial in ensuring those driving, cycling, wheeling and walking can do so safely within their communities.
“This investment provides new LED technology along the A3. It is important that adequate street lighting not only improves the quality of lighting but is more energy efficient given my commitment to climate action.
“I would like to thank the public and local residents in advance for their cooperation and ask that they comply with all temporary traffic restrictions while these much needed works are completed.”
The Department will keep the public informed of any change. All work will be carried out in line with current public health and health and safety advice, with safe systems of working in place for staff and contractors.
For traffic information about these and other improvement schemes visit: www.trafficwatchni.com