With only a handful of sleeps to go until the most important date in the Christian calendar is upon us, I wish everyone in the borough and beyond the warmest blessings as they gather with family and friends to observe the traditions of the season.
Christmas is customarily a time for celebration, reflection and resolution. And for many of us, it’s also a time to show appreciation for having friends who make us laugh, family who make us feel loved, food for nourishing our bodies, shelter for keeping us safe and warm, and most importantly, good health so that we can live a long and productive life.
Because if you are blessed to have all of these, you have lots to be thankful for.
As I look back on my term in office thus far, I too feel a deep sense of gratitude for meeting so many wonderful people who have been outstanding ambassadors for the borough – sports people, businesses, volunteers, community representatives, care providers, charity workers, and young people among others.
I would like to thank everyone who has worked hard in whatever capacity for the benefit of the borough over the past year.
Naturally at this time of year, the spotlight falls on giving and putting the needs of others above our own. There are many people among us who are in need and at Christmas, more than ever, human kindness is paramount.
We all need to be caring towards others because kindness is the one thing that warms our hearts and nurtures our spirits. Let’s come together in unity and do our part to bring kindness to ourselves and others in our everyday interactions and encounters.
Show others that you care through simple selfless acts. Donate to a food bank, support a local charity, purchase an extra gift for a Christmas appeal, make room for one more at the Christmas table, check in on an elderly neighbour or take time to listen to someone who needs a friend to confide in.
Remember those who are no longer with us and remind those who cannot be with us how much they mean to you.
Spare a thought also for those who will be working on the frontline providing vital services over the holiday period.
As you busy yourselves with last minute preparations and look forward to the break from normal routine, there’s still time to enjoy some of our seasonal events that run right through until January 4.
May this Christmas end the present year on a cheerful note and make way for a fresh and bright New Year.