Portadown, Lurgan, Banbridge, Craigavon and Dromore are to see further improvements thanks to funding for the Council area.
The Department for Communities is providing £320,000, with a further £110,000 coming from Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, to deliver public realm improvements.
Public realm can include lighting, paving and street furniture, and contributes to making a town centre more vibrant and viable.
Acting Director of Regional Development at the Department for Communities, Damian Mulholland said: “This funding will make a positive contribution to the future sustainability of Banbridge, Craigavon, Dromore, Lurgan and Portadown by attracting and maintaining investment by making our town centres more appealing.”
Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council Councillor Julie Flaherty commented: “Council are delighted to once again partner with Department for Communities to deliver a series of improvements to towns in the Borough, highlighting Council and DfC’s continued commitment to our town centres.
“These projects will maximise our town centres’ potential to attract visitors and investment and set the scene for further regeneration, economic growth and prosperity.”
The works are due to get under way in the New Year and are due to complete by November 2019.
In Portadown, the investment will see improvements to the Pump House to Old Town Quay and Edward Street such as lighting, landscaping and in the installation of street furniture. Improvements including screening will also be made to the derelict site at Calvin’s Mill.
In Lurgan, improvements will be made to Church Walk, including new lighting, and welcome features will be installed in the town centre highlighting some of its history.
In Banbridge, the former police station will receive a treatment to help improve the streetscape.
Improvements, including the removal of overgrown vegetation around the Lagan riverside and installation of planting at Regents Bridge area, will be made in Dromore.
In central Craigavon the vegetation around the Marlborough House to Rushmere Bridge will be treated to make the area more welcoming and inviting.