A former Co Armagh police station could be converted into a new mixed-use development of shops and offices, Armagh I can reveal.
The now derelict property at the Legahory Centre in Craigavon could be given a new lease of life with a change of use in the pipeline.
A supermarket is planned as the main element of the redevelopment of the two-storey structure.
The police station was one of a number of such facilities closed some years ago due to budgetary cuts and centralisation.
Seven years ago, it was placed on the market for sale with an asking price at that time in the region of £850,000.
Now proposals have been drawn up and placed before Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council for consideration which, if approved, could bring a significant jobs boost to the area, both during construction works and when up and running.
The applicant is the Lurgan-based Sheriff Homes and the proposed works would also include the construction of an extension to what is in place.
The office accommodation will be situated on the first floor level.
The ground floor would see the development of a new supermarket, boasting over 4,000 sq ft of retail space.
Storage facilities, a cold room and toilet provision is accommodated to the rear.
The front of the supermarket will also house a ‘money counting’ area, while an external ATM would be a welcome addition to the locale.
There would be a stairwell connection to the first floor.
Two additional shops are also to be developed, side by side, at ground floor level, each offering in excess of 1,300 sq ft of floorspace. Both will have storage and toilets to the rear of the premises.
The new-look development will see the inclusion of a total of 98 car parking spaces for the use of staff and customers.

Proposals for former Craigavon police station
The application also covers the demolition of the existing walls surrounding the current building and all associated site works.
There has been no indication at this stage as to potential future tenants for the supermarket, shops or offices planned.
The development is central to Craigavon, with surrounding land use in the immediate area dominated by housing, whilst other nearby amenities include St Anthony’s Primary School, Brownlow Health Centre, St Anthony’s Church and Brownlow College.
Neighbouring properties, including residents at Rowan Manor, are to be informed in writing of the plans.
There had been previously been calls for the area to be redeveloped for the good of the area.
Ten years ago, Armagh I reported that the then new ABC super-council was to be urged to actively seek the best possible redevelopment options for the former police station at Legahory.

How the former police station looks today
Councillor Catherine Nelson, then the SF deputy mayor of Craigavon and councillor on the ABC council, said a multi-agency forum should be established to discuss the most appropriate way to utilise the site.
“The Legahory police station site is a quite strategic site, not only for the Legahory area but also for the broader area in central Craigavon,” she said at the time.
“The site could well offer more housing, both affordable and social, or it could be used for commercial usage.”
While housing did indeed appear to be very much on the cards at one stage, it is the latter which appears now to be the way forward with this ambitious application now emerging.
The proposals will now be advertised shortly for a statutory period of public consultation and a decision expected in due course.
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