Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council’s planners have recommended a planning application aiming to bring 50 new homes to Aghacommon be approved.
Lodged by agent Clyde Shanks Ltd on behalf of applicant Acorn Developments NI Ltd the application seeks to build 50 residential dwellings including garages and garden stores at lands to the rear of two and four Laurelmount Meadows on the Kilvergan Road and to the south west of 1-7 McGreevy Drive and 68-79 McGreevy Park on the Derrymacash Road.
Originally, permission had been sought for 52 new homes on the site but this amended application is seeking approval for 50 dwellings. In total, six house types are planned in the development with both semi-detached and detached offerings available.
A design and access statement submitted as part of the application notes the proposed site is approximately 2.65 hectares, is roughly ‘L’ shaped and slopes downwards from the south east to the north west.
It also notes local shops are within 200m of the site as is a church, school and local public house with bus stops positioned along the nearby Ballynamoney Road.
With regards access to the development, the design and access statement notes a “single access point off Kilvergan Road, with the inclusion of necessary road widening to accommodate this along with a public footpath” is planned.
The existing boundary vegetation is to be retained to help “integrate the new development into the surrounding context, while augmenting it to provide buffer planting along the edge of the settlement development limit to the north west”.
As for car parking, “proposed in curtilage parking will comply with the standards set out in creating places” and in summary the design and access statement claims the proposed development will “create a quality and sustainable residential environment” that will not result in “unacceptable damage to the local character, environmental quality or residential amenity of the area”.
With Council’s planning officers recommending the application for approval, it will appear before Council’s planning committee on Wednesday, January 11 for a decision on the proposal.