Éire Óg GAC in Craigavon is set to undergo a major revamp with plans approved for the extension, reconfiguration and refurbishment to the existing clubhouse and social club.
The club, based at Tullygally East Road, is also planning to turn an external store area into changing facilities.
In their report, ABC planning officers note: “The application site is located within existing grounds used by Éire Óg GFC.
“The proposal merely seeks to extend the club house to provide a gym, new reception area and viewing terrace with minor alterations to the existing social club. The location of the exterior works is to the rear of the building and facing onto the playing fields.
“The works will include the introduction of new windows along this rear façade, but these will not overlook any existing residential property. Officers therefore consider the development does not visually detract from the character and appearance of the area.
“Officers consider the proposal to encompass a number of the qualities in Living Places and having regard to scale, siting, layout and landscape treatment the overall design makes a positive contribution to the townscape, is sensitive to the character of surroundings and is appropriate to its setting.
“Officers are content that the proposal would not have an unacceptable adverse impact on the amenity of nearby residents in terms of visual amenity.”