The three Trade Unions; NIPSA, GMB, and Unite the Union, have issued Council with notification of industrial action commencingMonday, August 15 for up to a four week period until Sunday, September 11.
This industrial action will cause significant disruption to services, facilities, and events across the borough however, where possible, Council will seek to minimise the impact caused.
The Council’s website and social media (Facebook & Twitter) will be updated as a central point of information daily, and we will endeavour to keep you informed of service disruptions throughout this period of industrial action.
The Council said they “deeply regret the inconvenience this will cause and ask for your patience at this time, particularly with staff continuing to deliver services”.
Important Contact Information
During this period of industrial action, telephone enquiries may not be responded to immediately therefore, we are advising residents to email the relevant department directly and staff will endeavour to respond as soon as possible.
A list of key email addresses can be found here: https://www.armaghbanbridgecraigavon.gov.uk/key-contacts/
Service Disruption: Monday, August 15 [Main Strike Day for all three Unions]
Monday will see the most severe impact to services and facilities across the borough with all three Trade Unions (NIPSA, GMB, and Unite the Union) taking formal strike action. We apologise in advance to residents for the following anticipated disruption:
Refuse Collection Services
– Brown, black and green bin collections will be impacted across the borough, but will take place where possible. Residents are advised to leave bins out for collection as normal.
– If we have sufficient staff available for routes on any given day, we will work to collect bins where possible during this period of industrial action. Regrettably, we believe that the vast majority of bins will not be emptied.
– While we cannot guarantee collection, we are nonetheless asking residents to leave their bins out for collection by 7.00am on their normal collection days. This will allow us to empty bins where we have sufficient crews in place to do so.
– If bins are not emptied on their normal collection day, we are asking residents to take their bins back in from the kerbside. This means we have not been able to operate the service in their area and we apologise for missing the week’s collection. Bins should only be left out for collection again on your next scheduled collection day after the missed collection.
– Bulky household waste collections and bin purchases are suspended until further notice.
Household Recycling Centres
It is anticipated that all Household Recycling Centres will be closed on Monday, August 15.
Street Cleansing
A significantly reduced level of sweeping and cleansing will take place across the borough.
Planning Department
The Planning office at Bridgewater House will be open to the public on August 15 but a reduced level of service will be in operation. All telephone enquiries received that day will be logged and responded to as soon as possible after that date.
Any enquiries that relate to an urgent planning matter, especially planning enforcement, will be prioritised.
Normal service is expected to resume on Tuesday, August 16.
Building Control Services
It is anticipated that Building Control functions will be impacted, particularly for requested site inspections and there will be reduced provision of service on the day of the strike.
Any enquiries that relate to an urgent Dangerous Structures matters, will be prioritised. If the matter is urgent please contact Tom Lavery either by telephone 07702 696285 or by email to tom.lavery@armaghbanbridgecraigavon.gov.uk
Normal service is expected to resume on Tuesday, August 16.
Environmental Health
It is anticipated that Environmental Health functions will be impacted, including dog control and animal welfare. There will be reduced provision and service across Public Safety, Food Control, Neighbourhood Services and Environmental Protection on the day of the strike. However, please continue to contact us if the matter is urgent either by telephone 0330 0561 011 or by email to ehealth@armaghbanbridgecraigavon.gov.uk
Tourism, Arts and Culture Venues
Market Place Theatre – Will be closed to the public on Monday, August 15.
FE McWilliam Gallery – The Exhibition space, shop and reception will be closed Monday, August 15. Quails Café will remain open.
Navan Centre – Will be closed to the public on Monday, August 15.
Parks and Open Spaces
All parks and open spaces will be open as normal; however, there will be a reduced level of facility services available and cleansing will be impacted.
Public Toilets
Access to public toilets will be limited until further notice.
Community Development
– All Community Centres will be open as normal, with a reduced level of services.
– All Town Halls will be open as normal, with a reduced level of services.
Leisure Centres
It is anticipated that all Leisure Centres will be open; however, there will be significant disruption to all sports programmes and timetables (including swimming). Customers are advised to check with your local centre before arrival.
Civic Buildings
All Civic Buildings will be open as normal for public access.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience at this time.