A 32-year-old man charged with a number of indecency offences is due to appear before Newry Magistrates’ Court this morning (Thursday).
The offences, which are alleged to have happened on Wednesday on the Castlewellan Road in Banbridge, involved a suspect exposing himself in front of children according to a local councillor.
Speaking to Armagh I, UUP councillor Glenn Barr stated that the offences alleged were “disgusting and disturbing”.
Cllr Barr said: “I have contacted the Chief Inspector about this issue but it’s reassuring to hear that the man was apprehended so quickly.”
Adding: “This is a disgusting and disturbing offence; I do not know of anyone who was involved but this is reprehensible behaviour.”
Councillor Barr urged that anyone who was in the area at the time and might have witnessed the alleged incident to contact the police with information.
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