Planning permission has been granted for the conversion of a house in Banbridge, into a funeral home.
The planning application, for 14 Townsend Street, was lodged by Charles Digney, 4 Sugarhouse Quay, Newry – whose funeral service operation is known as Charles Digney & Sons Funeral Directors.
Planning permission has also been granted for external alterations, the creation of three car-parking spaces to the rear, the erection of fencing and all associated site works.
ABC Planning officers outline the plans as follows: “The proposed building will include a viewing room, reception area, coffin display, prep room and reception.
“Three new parking spaces are to be located to the rear. External amendments will be made to the building to include an open porch on the front elevation, with new finishes. New walls and gates are to be provided along the front of the site.
“Officers consider that a funeral home would be a community facility, and that it should fall within the definition of a main town-centre use. The proposed use therefore is an acceptable use in principle at this town-centre location.

The envisaged layout for the Banbridge funeral home. Credit: ABC planning portal
“Three new parking spaces are to be provided to the rear of the building for family members, with the existing concrete forecourt to the front of the building to be utilised for two parking spaces and parking/turning area for hearse.
“The funeral home will host funeral services and will provide for up to 15-20 mourners to attend within the viewing room. The building will receive most public use from 7pm-10pm during the evenings, when the public can come and pay their sympathies.
“With the funeral home primarily receiving most public use from 7pm to 10pm, other retail/office uses in the locality would not be operating, so freeing up car parking.
“Officers note that three parking spaces are located to the rear of the site. To protect the amenity of residents at Glenview Terrace, a 1.8m high fence is proposed to the rear of the parking spaces. Officers are satisfied that this barrier will be appropriate to protect amenity of adjoining residents.”