A building used for storage space at 9-13 Princes Street, Dromore, is to be turned into a children’s wellbeing centre for Dromore charity Via Wings.
The planning application was lodged by R. E. Quinn Architects Ltd, 14 Princes Street, Dromore, on behalf of the well-known Dromore Christian charity who are based at 9-13 Princes Street.
The ABC planning officers’ report states: “The building to be converted is to the west portion of the site and backs onto the public car park at Cross Lane.
“One store will be converted into the children’s wellbeing centre, with another converted into a kitchen, interview room and stores.
“Access will be from an existing door access onto the Cross Lane public car park, and from a new staired access from within the Via Wings site.
“A roof terrace will also be created for the children’s wellbeing centre above the ground-floor larder, with guard rail provided for health and safety reasons.
“The proposed children’s wellbeing centre is intended to provide a variety of counselling sessions for children between 5 and 11 years of age, around physical, mental, emotional and educational needs.
“[It will support] children who have been referred for additional help from local schools. Children will attend two sessions per day (Monday to Friday) from 2pm to 4pm and 4.30pm to 6.30pm.
“Access to the children’s wellbeing centre will be via the existing door at the Cross Lane car park. A maximum of two additional councillors, supported by existing staff presently working in the Via Wings building, will be running each session.
“An existing building will be utilised for the proposed development. Any significant changes to the building are not viewed from any public vantage point, but from within the Via Wings courtyard.
“The proposed children’s wellbeing centre is to include activities such as arts and crafts, yoga and other wellbeing-focused, after-school activities.”