An Armagh firm has been fined £5,000 for failing to ensure the safety at work of its employees.
Envirogreen Polymers Limited, which is based on the Hamiltonsbawn Road, pleaded guilty at Newry Magistrates Court today (Monday).
The case was brought by the Health and Safety Executive Northern Ireland (HSENI).
The court heard that on August 15, 2019, a HSENI inspection found that a safety interlock on a baling machine had been bypassed, meaning there were no measures in place to stop employees accessing dangerous parts of the machine during operation.
HSENI Inspector Kiara Blackburn said: “Employers have a legal duty to ensure employees and others are not put at risk from unguarded machinery.
“Interlocked guards are vital to ensure machines cannot be started before the guard is closed, and to prevent the machine being opened while its mechanism is moving.”
The organisation added that poorly maintained, absent or bypassed machinery guards have the potential to cause serious crush injuries and traumatic amputations.