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Council to look into erecting memorials for those who lost lives during Covid pandemic

Palace Demesne Armagh

Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council is to explore the possibility of erecting memorials for those who lost their lives during the Covid-19 pandemic in different locations across the borough.

The issue was raised by SDLP group leader, Councillor Thomas O’Hanlon on Monday night.

The Armagh councillor told the chamber he had been contacted by families representing Memory Stones of Love – an organisation set up by bereaved families of Covid-19 to remember everyone lost during the pandemic.

“They have asked me if Council can put benches and trees in various public parks commemorating those who died from Covid-19,” he said.

“It would also be an acknowledgement to those families who lost a loved one during that time when there were restrictions and we couldn’t have what we would call a ‘normal’ or ‘traditional’ Christian burial or funeral with neighbours, families and friends there.

“I think other local council areas are leading on this. Belfast City Council and Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council have already followed this in terms of benches and trees throughout the area and maybe, in each of our legacy areas, we could do the same.

“There could be one in Armagh, one in Banbridge and one in Craigavon. I am simply asking that officers take a look at this idea and bring a report to a future meeting of Council.”

Council’s Lord Mayor, Councillor Paul Greenfield said he too had been contacted by families and told the chamber he was hopeful officers would be able to bring a report on the matter back for “consideration in June”.

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