An Armagh man who is accused of hitting his partner over the head with a sports trophy has been denied bail in what a district judge has described as a “hopeless” application.
Court heard that this was the fourth incident involving the 40-year-old and the same injured party in just over a year.
Leroy Brady, 41, of Drumbreda Avenue, appeared charged with grievous bodily harm, criminal damage, common assault and possession of an offensive weapon with intent to commit an indictable offence at the city’s Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday.
These had been allegedly committed whilst on bail on charges of common assault and threats to kill and related to the same alleged injured party.
Conditions of this bail which had been granted at Belfast Magistrates’ Court last year stated the defendant was to abstain from alcohol and have no contact with the alleged injured party.
Court heard that on February 25, police were called by the ambulance service who had been contacted by Brady to attend his home in Armagh as his partner had suffered a head injury.
Officers were first to arrive and observed the alleged victim with an injury to the right of her head which was bleeding heavily staining her clothes and hair.
The court was informed that police spoke to the defendant in the kitchen of the property and he told them: “I don’t know what I done. I hit her. I don’t know what came over me. I hit her with something.”
The injured party told officers that Brady had hit her on the head with a trophy and had broken her phone.
Checks showed that the defendant was in breach of his bail conditions and he was subsequently arrested.
In the rear of the police car, Brady stated: “Wait to I tell you boys. I didn’t plan on hitting her tonight. I had a few drinks.”
The alleged injured party was taken to Craigavon Area Hospital for treatment, receiving seven staples.
When asked about the alleged incident, she said that she had gone to the defendant’s house to watch the rugby, despite knowing it was against his bail conditions.
Together they consumed alcohol and an argument ensued between the two.
The alleged injured party claimed Brady had slapped her on the cheek and punched her on the right eye.
Following this, she left in a taxi but returned about an hour later when it is alleged that the defendant assaulted her.
Court was told that when interviewed, Brady made no comment and did not look at officers in the eye.
Court heard that the defendant also had a previous caution for assault on the same victim.
A police constable stated bail was being objected to due to the fear of reoffending and interference with witnesses.
She also highlighted that the proposed bail address was just 1.6 miles from that of the injured party.
The constable told court: “This is the fourth incident involving the same pair since January 20 of 2018 and there has been an escalation of violence.”
Defence solicitor Jarlath Fields commented that the bail address offered had previously been deemed suitable at the Magistrates’ Court in Belfast.
He stated: “She went to him, there is a significant amount of text traffic between the two. They were partners.
“The relationship started three years before that; Mr Brady had never been in a police cell or less before a court.”
Mr Fields said: “There is no doubt in his mind this relationship is over. He accepts there was a verbal altercation and that he breached his bail.
“All of the assault charges will be contested.”
District Judge Peter Magill commented: “That is despite what he told police.”
Mr Fields replied: “That might be inadmissible. He blew a preliminary breath test in custody of 188mg (of alcohol in 100ml of breath).”
He stated: “This is a toxic relationship. Since November 19 he had adhered to bail conditions and would have continued to do so if she did not attend his home.
“It was he who contacted emergency services despite the reality that he was in breach of his bail.”
Mr Fields added: “There are good reasons to object bail but I ask that you look beyond these objections. He had adhered to bail and has no other address to offer outside of Armagh.”
District Judge Magill stated: “This man was released on bail for common assault and threats to kill with certain conditions.
“He breached two of these, he breached it by taking alcohol and by him and her being together.
“It does not matter that she was the one that came to him.”
He added: “This woman was left with significant injuries, requiring seven staples, and he made admissions to the police at the time.
“There is a clear likelihood of reoffending, there is a clear likelihood he will get in contact with her.
“Considering the escalating violence, she is in great danger and this is a hopeless bail application.”
Bail was rejected and Brady was remanded into custody to appear before Armagh Magistrates’ Court on March 26