The Armagh City Swimming Club are set to host their inaugural ‘Sponsored Swim’ in aid of the Southern Area Hospice.
Swimmers are gearing up to complete an impressive 100 sets of 100 meters each. Junior club members will take on this challenge in relay teams, while some of the more experienced swimmers are set to tackle the full water-based 10K individually.
The event will kick off at 8.30am sharp on Saturday, December 28, at the club’s home base at the Orchard Leisure Centre in Armagh.
With the support of family and friends, the event promises to be a fantastic morning, showcasing the abilities and team spirit of the Armagh City Swimming Club.
A GoFundMe page has also been set up, with a target of £500.
The Club will also be using this opportunity to announce their partnership with Armagh Credit Union, who have agreed to a three-year sponsorship deal.
Representatives from the Credit Union will attend the fundraising event on Saturday to present the Club with a cheque and watch the swimmers in action as they attempt this magnificent feat.
Keen to recruit new members, Armagh City Swimming Club say they are dedicated not only to the development of their 140 plus members, but to promoting the enjoyment of swimming for all.
Swimmers range from ages 7 to 18, from those who seek basic skill development to athletes that compete at both regional and national competitions.