An Armagh group dedicated to helping adults with autism are going from strength to strength.
Triple A was started in 2017 to help provide a vital service for adults with autism/disabilities, and in particular to help with the transition from leaving school.
And from tiny acorns grow mighty oaks.
The group, which started with a few hardy souls now have up to 16 service users having – in more recent times – secured a permanent place every Wednesday in the West Armagh Consortium building at the recreational centre on the Cathedral Road.
Chairperson, Bernie O’Connor, said: “Triple A are able to offer the service to more adults with special needs and at the minute we have 15-16 who come to us.
“We have just recently finished six weeks of music therapy, which was funded by West Armagh Consortium, and also six weeks of keeping active at Sean Duffy’s Boxing Club, which was also funded by Jacqueline Donnelly.
“We have adults from within Armagh and surrounding areas such as Darkley and Keady who avail of the service as it gives a much needed outlet for our special needs adults to socialise and do various activities.

Bernie, pictured with her daughter, Jodie.
“We look forward to the future and are also planning a ball for April 2024 this is something we know the group will look forward to and the public as it will be a great evening of fun and entertainment.
“We continue to do various fundraising and are thankful to all who support us. As our group continues to grow we are well aware of the need for that support, so if anyone has a bit of spare time and would like to volunteer please give us a shout.”
If you would like to volunteer or if you have someone wants to join the group call Bernie on 07871 536 635, email bernieoconnor17@hotmail.com or find them on Facebook here.