All posts tagged "Coney Island"
5 years ago
Seven people rescued in dramatic late night search as two boats run aground off Coney Island
Seven people were rescued after two boats run aground off Coney Island in Co. Armagh late last night. Lifeboats were tasked...
7 years ago
TVs and fire extinguisher among waste as illegal dumping blights Coney Island
Not even water can prevent them from hauling their waste to dump it illegally. Coney Island – described as one of...
7 years ago
Tenant to be advertised for Coney Island house as work set to get underway
Work on repairing the now-vacant caretaker’s home on the National Trust’s Coney Island in Co Armagh will begin within weeks. Tenders...
7 years ago
Co Armagh hidden gem to expand its offering to tourists
A Co Armagh island is set to see continued investment in turning the what is a hidden gem into one of...