‘Strolling Through Ulysses!’ is a one-man show that tells the fun-filled story of Bloomsday – June 16th 1904 – the iconic day around which James Joyce’s Ulysses is based.
Written and performed by Robert Gogan, ‘Strolling Through Ulysses!’ guides you through the curious events and quirky characters of Ulysses – humorous, entertaining and revealing!
Joyce, speaking about Ulysses once famously declared, ‘there is not one single serious line in it.’ ‘Strolling Through Ulysses!’ certainly proves that!
So hold on to your hats and take a deep breath as Robert Gogan takes you on a whistle-stop tour through the fun and laughter which is the backbone of James Joyce’s extraordinary and celebrated novel. Bawdy, irreverent and great fun!
Not suitable for persons under 16 years of age due to the bawdy nature of some of the scenes.
‘Given the burnished Victorian interior of the pub, and Gogan’s pitch-perfect balancing of narrator, actor and observer, it turned out to be a wonderfully bawdy experience’ The Irish Independent
Saturday February 12, 2022
8pm | £12.50 | £10.50 (Con)
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